Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flu Shot :(

I got that H1N1 flu shot yesterday, and man, I FEEL LIKE SHIT.
wow this is the most terrible..vaccination i have ever received.
Such a terrible shot.
Anyways, today was Java Jive and Pie. Sorrowfully, I did not join in on the action. But hey, at least i saved 15 bucks!
My arm still hurts from the flu shot.
And I feel soo sick. Not sick like..."got the flu/cold" kindof sick. But, the kind of sick that you get when you missed a whole night of sleep and you feel all headachy and groggy the next day.
I wish to get a good nights sleep tonight.
So...for now.......Goodbye!
And, i am going to be at school on November 30 HOORAHH!

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