Sunday, May 24, 2009


i got totally PWND yesterday.
and not in the way you think.
it all started when..................................................................
i went on msn, and then i got pwnd by level 100. by this person. and it was awful. i felt like a total idiot. being pwnd is not a nice thing to be.
Gosh darn.
omgggggggg i have a penpal =D
my sister keeps running away at the supermarket, and my dad keeps screaming, and my mom's in Ukraine, and im bored.
my sister also keeps PWN-ing me, cuz she keeps running away from me when we go buy the frikin groceries.

MUST......GET......ASS...OFF.....THE COMPUTER.........BUT FORCE.....IS SO..........STRONG.....CANT......RESIST......TEMPTATION....TO.....BLOG.....GAH!

well, ciao for now,
Bella <3

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