Saturday, June 13, 2009

Incedent :(

GAH when i was rollerblading yesterday, i totally wiped out. i hurt my side. i was like, going down a smal slope and suddenly my feet were like, going to the right and i was like AHHHHHH and i did the splits and fell on my side that now hurts.

AHHHHH you know what else? i was sick. i came down with like, the flu NOT SWINE FLU and i felt horrific. but now i am better and all is good

MY MOTHER CAME BACK FROM UKRAINE!!! and i cannot even explain how utterly happy i am. she brought back this INTENSE coat, which is brown and expensive. and she brough back this green dress made of silk. also, she gave me this necklace that her friend gave to her to give to me as a gift
well i JEE TO JEE


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