Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Ok so here's the story. I started my bronze cross LSS course and like, i was all pumped for it. But then i come to the class, and its ALL GUYS. I mean, thats soo akward...i am the only girl in a class of 12.
Well moving on.
I went to Pac Mall with my mom and sister and this lady selling balloons ripped us off cuz it deflated after 20 minute. And frickin' cost $5.50! I think that's waaaay too much for a balloon. The lady, barely knowing a word of english, would not refund or exchange the balloon so my mom got really pissed off and, yeah, i did too. How would you feel to waste money? Not very good. It doesnt grow on trees, you know. My sister also got this tiny hair pin for 6 bucks. Also a rip off.
Needless to say, im not going back to Pac Mall.
The only thing good about Pac Mall is mango smoothies.
J'adore smoothie de mango.

Ciao for now,
Bella <3

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