Thursday, April 9, 2009


AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I FORGOT TO SAY SOMETHING. i got blanket burn on my elbow. :'(
Blanket Burn: a not-so-severe burn of the skin. This type of burn occurs when you slide on a bed and your skin and the blanket get rubbed together, creating friction. WARNING: DO NOT ATTEMPT. (this may cause a burning sensation)
talking about beds and blankets, when i was in New York, my mother and i were spending the night in the Alex Hotel (thats what it is called) and i decided to jump over the bed. i backed up, then i made a run for it. i completely flew over the bed, not getting blanket burn. BUT. i fell on the floor. annnnd. there was a night stand beside it. one more centimetre, and i would have hit my head so hard it would have made me retarded. but i didnt hit my head. and God forbid me to be that stupid ever again. i have learned my lesson. i do this from time to time still, but when nobody is looking.

1 comment:

  1. lol burning sensation. *wiggles eyebrows*... *slaps self* gosh.
    omg i've always wanted to be able to fly.. now i know that i'm not the only one XD
