Friday, April 17, 2009

Flowers n' HRGs

i had so much to do y'all, that i didnt update my blog. and do i have good news for you!
i planted freesia, which is a very pretty flower, AND tulips. they grew and now they are so pretty. i TOTALLY have to put pictures of my precious flowers on facebook. y'all will love them AND OH IF YOU COULD ONLY SMELL THEM. :D
ok for all of you that know me, i will be not having any more obsessions for a while. EXCEPT....
#1. HRG
#2. HRG 2
#3. HRG 3

and that is about all. as you can see, not a big choice. but its all i got :) (brad pitt is still hot but my obsession is dormant)
oh and by the way, if you were wondering why my flowers are pink, it is because the soil that i planted them in is alkaline. if you want them to be blue or purple, you must plant them in soil that is slightly acidic. you must do this for blueberries.
HRG (#1) drives a 4 by 4 . that is so sexy. WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS. for those of you who are laughing at me, STOP IT NOW. im kidding. laugh with me instead. i do this to make you laugh anyways. and besides, i talk about the HRGS like all the what the heck.
I drank chocolate milk. WHY THE HELL DID I DO THAT????? can you answer this question? NO YOU CANNOT. DO YOU KNOW WHY??? because, i cant. well...maybe if you are a PRIB. *COUGH*louisa*COUGH*
peace out, home dawgs

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